The DPI Group’s mission is to identify and create job opportunities for individuals with employment barriers.
A Wide Array of Barriers
Millions of individuals in the United States face significant barriers to employment. These barriers are major contributors to chronic unemployment and force many individuals onto public assistance. Many individuals who face barriers want to and are able to work, and The DPI Group is here to help them.
Barriers may include:
- Age (55+)
- Criminal record, including incarceration
- Disability (physical, mental, addiction-related, intellectual or developmental)
- Experience of homelessness or housing instability
- Limited English proficiency
A Focus on Disability
The DPI Group (previously DePaul Industries) was founded in 1971 as an organization helping individuals with disabilities to have work. While we have expanded our mission to include other barriers, disabilities remain at the core of what we do.
The ADA defines a person with a disability as a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activity. This includes people who have a record of such an impairment, even if they do not currently have a disability. It also includes individuals who do not have a disability but are regarded as having a disability.
A wide variety of physical and mental health conditions can be considered disabilities, and can create barriers to employment. Our goal is to help those individuals who want to work but may face challenges to have that opportunity.